Military Outreach USA, a partner of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), recently launched a program to encourage communities to connect with local VA facilities and help VA provide support to homeless or recently homeless Veterans and their families.

The Adopt-a-VA program, which began in February, connects individuals and community organizations, such as schools, faith-based groups and businesses, with a local VA Homeless Program case manager at the VA Medical Center or community-based outpatient clinic in their area to help meet Veterans’ non-medical needs.

“VA remains committed to preventing and ending Veteran homelessness, but we cannot achieve this goal alone,” said Anthony Love, senior advisor and director of Community Engagement for VHA’s Homeless Programs Office. “Partnerships are critical to providing the support needed to help Veterans exit homelessness, and to identifying local housing and employment opportunities that help them remain stably housed. Military Outreach USA’s Adopt-a-VA program makes it easier than ever for everyone to get involved and support Veterans in their communities.”

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