Calling All IAM Vietnam Veterans! We Want to Hear From You

Calling All IAM Vietnam Veterans! We Want to Hear From You

The IAM has a special place in its heart for our military veterans. Our union is proud to build, maintain and service the products that keep our service men and women safe, and we count thousands of military veterans among our ranks. The IAM Veteran Services...
IAM Veterans Assistance Program Continues to Change Lives

IAM Veterans Assistance Program Continues to Change Lives

Former U.S. military service men and women are a significant membership base of the IAM and the union has assisted them by expanding the IAM Veteran Services Program in recent years. The endeavo has helped hundreds of Machinists deal with everything from PTSD to...
IAM Reflects on the 20-Year Anniversary of 2nd Iraq War

IAM Reflects on the 20-Year Anniversary of 2nd Iraq War

This week marks the twenty-year anniversary of the start of the second Iraq War. Thousands of allied troops served, including IAM members from the U.S. and Canada. “This is a time to reflect. These veterans embody bravery, sacrifice, and patriotism,” said...